Not everybody has your vision. When you create your slides, remember that your audience might include people with limited sight and color deficiencies. This are PowerPoint tips that may help you.
Don’t put everything you present on the slides. Slides are just a visual aid. If you overload them, the audience will end up trying to read the slides and not paying attention to you.
Do not use different colors or fonts on every single slide. Use proper colors, not too bright, because you don’t want to strain your audience’s eyes. Use consistent colors and theme. Use clear fonts and big, min. 28pts. In fact, what looks good on your monitor does not automatically look good on the big screen. So it is better if you test your slides first and see if you can read your slides from the last row of the room where you will be presenting.
Do not use too many animation effects. They are distracting for the audience and make you look like a show-off. Use animation only to make a point and not to make your presentation more interesting.
Save your work frequently. This is so easy. Use shortcut CTRL+S. Don’t forget to backup your work frequently. Store each presentation and its associated files in its proper folder.
You have to save a separate copy of your file before trying another experiment. You can use UNDO shortcut (CTRL+Z) to make experiment.